Care & Washing

   A stain does not go away on your favorite carpet?

Dilute black soap in warm water and soak a sponge. Dab the stain gently then repeat the same

operation but only with clear water and a little bit of vinegar.

To remove a grease stain on a carpet, the sommeliers land can be useful, blot up the bulk of the stain

with absorbent paper then sprinkle with the sommeliers land.

Leave it to act for a few hours and vacuum it.

If you carpet is not very dirty you can use a wet sponge with soapy water and rub.

Then rinse it with a wet rag and let it dry

If your carpet has lost its original color and some stains remain.

Use sparkling water and baking soda to the part you want, take a sponge to coat the carpet with

sparkling water and rub gently with a soft bristle brush, let it dry for half an hour, sprinkle baking

soda over the entire carpet, when it is dry vacuum it.

For cleaning a carpet, pour white vinegar on a clean rag and start cleaning the stains.

Leave it for 15 min to dry, then foam a mixture of water and dishwashing liquid and rub the carpet

with it.

After rinsing it with clear water, wipe your carpet and let it dry.

Shaving foam can be used to remove stains from the carpet, apply a thick layer on it and leave it on

for one hour before rubbing with a sponge

this seems evident, mostly we don’t think about it.

To keep your rug good and with beautiful color and also shine. They must be vacuumed every week

and especially if you have pets, vacuum it twice a week in brushing mode.

To renovate a carpet, you don't need chemicals, make an infusion with potato peelings and rub

your carpet with it, let work for a few hours before rinsing it with a sponge with clear water, then allow

it to dry.

The soda crystals will help you to remove a big stain.

Dilute them in liter of water and soak a sponge with this mixture, scrub the stains and repeat the

operation with clear water.